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                                                                                       Alice in


Alice, the little beauty, decides to go on a trip to a beautiful valley. There she plays the whole day. When she is tired, she falls asleep. All of a sudden, Alice sees a rabbit running. He is carrying a big watch in his hand."He is smartly dressed. I think he is going to a party. Let me follow him," says Alice to herself. Alice follows the rabbit.  Then, they reach a tree with a big hole in it. The rabbit enters into that hole.   Alice follows him into the hole.

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As soon as she steps in, she begins falling down deep.She fell and fell. She had a lot of time to look around.She saw different houses, trees, flowers. She fell down and down.At last she stoped. She didn`t break anything. She was fine. It was dark. Suddenly, Alice saw a door and knocked: “Knock, knock, knock.  Who lives here?” asked Alice. “I do” said a strange voice.

“Who are you?” asked Alice.

“I am the  Rabbit. Who are you?” said a strange voice.

“I am Alice. I fell into the hole. I am very hungry.May I come in?”

“Yes, please, come in. But I must go out.I am going to the party. Snow White has a birthday today.” said the Rabbit.

Alice came into the Rabbit`s house. She saw the smarty dressed rabbit. The Rabbit looked at Alice and said: “You are very nice. Would you like to go with me? ”

“Yes? Of course .But I have not got a beautiful dress and shoes.” said Alice.

The Rabbit opened the curboard and gave Alice the nice, white dress and red shoes.

Alice was very glad. Then the Rabbit phoned Snow White and told about new friend. Soon Alice and the Rabbit went upstairs, they saw a big house and knocked. “Come in. I am glad C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\Scan1.jpgto see you.” said Snow White. The Rabbit and Alice come in into the room. Such a lovely dinner was on the table. There was some ham, pears, oranges, tea, pudding, cake, ice -cream. Suddenly somebody knocked. It was Snow White`s friends- Shrek and Skubi Du.

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          All guests sang, danced, listened to music, watched TV and ate the                             tasty dinner. Alice was very happy. She made new friends. It was the finest                                                                           party in your life. At 9 o`clock the Rabbit and Alice came home. Alice remembered about her family. She missed about it. They went to bed.  Alice finds herself in the place where she plays every day.  Alice woke up under the tree. There were some leaves from the trees on Alice`s dress. “What a long sleep I`ve had” thought Alice. . She is happy because she has a dream only.



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