Главная » 2016 » Сентябрь » 9 » проект
8:41 PM







 Автор: Спирина Юлия Алексеевна- ученица 4 класса        

 МБ ОУ Пеля -Хованская    СОШ

Адрес: 607930 Нижегородская область, Починковский район, с. Пеля –                Хованская, ул. Участок Конного Завода, д. 1 Б.

Руководитель: Спирина Валентина Александровна 

Телефон: 9030608339.

Электронный адрес: cvacaa@mail.ru                                          










 I am Ulya. I like to go to school. My school is large and nice. It has got many class rooms, a library, a dining - room, a gymnasium, a school hall. I like studying in my class room, because my teacher is clever, kind and make lessons fun and enjoyable. I have got many friends in my class. We are happy to study together. Our classroom is big, light and cosy. It has got 2 large windows, bookcase near the wall, smart board on the wall, a computer, and a printer.

I have got many subjects at school. But I like English. At our lessons we speak English, ask and answer the questions, sing songs, play funny games and learn poems by heart. It is very interesting.

If I were a director of my school, pupils would choose subjects which they want to study. My school is the best.


















H:\школа\DSCN5368.JPGMy school


                                                                       My friends

H:\школа\фото.png My teacher E:\SDC18605.JPG 

H:\январь.JPG My gym

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