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Аукцион Россия



Цели: обобщение изученного материала по теме «Россия»; 

совершенствование навыков устной речи; развитие внима-

ния и логического мышления.


Оборудование: игральный кубик; молоточек; «фунты»; кар-

точки с вопросами; призы победителям.


Ход мероприятия

Hello, my dear boys and girls! We are glad to greet you at our

auction! All children like to play. That’s why we will play the

game “Auction” today. There are two teams in our classroom

and we have three members of our jury today. The first one is

called …, and its captain is … . The 2nd team is called … , and

its captain is … . The members of our jury are: … .

Do you know how to play “Auction”? Listen to me, please.


Учитель приветствует детей и объясняет им правила


Now listen to the rules of our auction. It consists of stag-

es, each of them includes 5 questions. These questions deal


Let’s choose the 1-st theme. This die will help us to do it.


Ведущий бросает кубик и читает тему.

Oh, it’s “Holidays”. Do you like it? You do! So, if you

have a question on this topic, you have to buy it. So the 1st

lot is “Holidays” and the starting price is 10 pounds. Who

wants to buy it for 10 pounds? One, two, three – it is sold.

So, you’ve bought the question and you’ve bought the right

to answer it. But if your answer is wrong, the other team

could give its version. Now, please, captain, come to me and

choose one of these cards. So, your question is it costs (...)

points. You have 30 seconds to discuss it.

What is your answer?

… (answer)

It’s right (wrong)... and you’ve got your 1st point today.

The next question will be about (бросает кубик) the main

cities of our country. Who wants to have a question about


… (answer)

So. The final score is ... . Let’s congratulate the winners.

Please, go to the jury to get your prize!

Thank you for the game. Thanks to our jury for their work.



Вопросы аукциона


1. “Geographical Position ”

1) What is the deepest freshwater lake in Russia? (2 points)

 (Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake in Russia and on

 the Earth.)

2) What sea washes Russia in the south? (4 points)

 (The Black Sea washes Russia in the south.)

3) What Russian mountain chains do you know? (3 points)

 (The Russian mountain chains are the Urals, the Altai, the

  Caucasus and the mountains of East Siberia.)

4) How many regions are there in the Russian Federation?

  5( points)

 (There are 89 regions in the Russian Federation: 21 republics

  and 68 other regions.)

5) What is the longest river in Europe? (2 points)

 (The Volga is the longest river in Europe.)


2. “Political System”

1) What is the lower House of the Federal Assembly?

  3( points)

 (The State Duma is the lower House of the Federal


2) Who was the first Russian President? (2 points)

 (The first Russian president was Boris Yeltsin.)

3) What is the official name of the Russian Parliament?

  5( points)

 (The official name of the Russian parliament is the Federal


4)  Who is the Head of the Republic of the Russian Federation?

  1( point)

 (The Head of the Republic of the Russian Federation is the


5) What is the highest law of the Russian Federation?

  3( points)

 (The highest law of the Russian Federation is the Constitu-



3. “Main Cities

1) What is the biggest city of the Ural region? (2 points)

 (The biggest city of the Ural region is Ekaterinburg.)

2) When was Moscow founded? (3 points)

 (Moscow was founded in 1147.)

3) What five ancient Russia’s towns are included into the

  Golden Ring (Zolotoye Koltso)? (4 points)

 (They are Rostov Veliky, Suzdal, Vladimir, Zvenigorod and


4) Why did the Russian people call Smolensk the “key city”

  during the war of 1812? (5 points)

 (The Russian people called Smolensk the “key city” because

  it locked the road to Moscow.)

5) What is the original name of the city founded on the Neva

  banks by Peter the Great? (2 points)

 (The original name of the city founded on the Neva banks

  by Peter the Great is St. Petersburg.)


4. “Famous People”

1) Who made a tour around the Earth that lasted 1 hour 48

 minutes? ( 2 points)

 (Yuri Gagarin made a tour around the Earth that lasted

  1 hour 48 minutes.)

2) What is the best known work of Alexander Pushkin?

  2( points)

 (The best known work of Alexander Pushkin is his novel

 “Eugine Onegin”.)

3) What marshal was four times awarded with the title “the

  Hero of the country”? (3 points)

 (George Zhukov was four times awarded with the title “the

  Hero of the country”.)

4) What great scientist founded Moscow University in 1755?

  4( points)

 (Michael Lomonosov founded Moscow University in 1755.)

5) What famous ballets of Peter Tchaikovsky can you name?

  3( points)

 (The famous ballets of Peter Tchaikovsky are “The Swan

  Lake”, “The Sleeping Beauty” and “The Nutcracker”.)


5. “Holidays”

1) What holiday commemorates the end of the Soviet Union’s

  participation in the World War II in Europe? (2 points)

 (Victory Day celebrates the end of the Soviet Union’s

  participation in the World War II in Europe.)

2)  When do the Russian people celebrate Country Defendant’s

 Day? ( 3 points)

 (The Russian people celebrate Country Defendant’s Day on

 the 2 3rd of February.)

3) What holiday do the Russian people have on the 12th of

 December? ( 4 points)

 (The Russian people celebrate Constitution Day on the 12th

 of December.)

4) What holiday marks the end of winter and lasts for a

 week? ( 5 points)

  Звездный час «Москва»   69

 (Maslenitsa marks the end of winter and lasts for a week at

  the end of February or at the beginning of March.)

5) What holiday is celebrated with present-giving by Father

  Frost, decorating New year trees and joyful parties?

  2( points)

 (New Year’s Day is celebrated with present-giving by Father

  Frost, decorating New year trees and joyful parties.)


Категория: внеклассные мероприятия | Добавил: cvacaa (09.25.2016)
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Пятница, 09.20.2024