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Брейн-ринг «Великобритания»




Цели: обобщение изученного материала по теме «Вели-

кобритания»; тренировка внимания и мышления; актуализа-

ция страноведческого материала.


Оборудование: призы для команды-победительницы; кар-

тинки по теме «Великобритания».

  Брейн-ринг «Великобритания»   91


Ход мероприятия

Класс делится на 4–5 команд по 4–6 человек. Соревнуют-

ся сначала 2 команды. На обсуждение каждого вопроса дает-

ся 1 минута. Очки получает та команда, которая первой даст

правильный ответ. Если ответ был неправильный, у команды

соперников есть возможность ответить до истечения 1 мину-

ты обсуждения. Если ни одна из команд не дает правильного

ответа, за ответ на следующий вопрос можно заработать 2

очка. Игра продолжается до 6 очков одной из команд. По-

бедившая команда играет со следующим соперником. Воп-

росы, предлагаемые командам, проверяют не просто знание

фактического материала, а умение применить эти знания.


Вопросы требуют смекалки, быстроты мышления и общей


1. In what book one of the characters got his name when he

was a grown up?

(It was Friday from “Robinson Crusoe” by D. Defoe.)


2. Who is the most translated British Author after Shakespeare?

(It is Agatha Christie.)


3. What does the abbreviation “Mc” mean?

 (“Mc” means “son of” and the people with this name usually felt that they belonged to the same family or clan.)


4. Why is the Westminster Palace clock called “Big Ben”?

 (It is called so after Sir Benjamin Hall, a big man who was the chief

commissioner in 1859.)

5. In the sixteenth century, King Henry VIII hunted wild

animals in this park. So what is the name of this place?

(It is Hyde Park.)


6. What is the seventh biggest city of the world?

 (It is London.)


7. What area is known as the garden of England?

 (The County of Kent is known as the garden of London.)


8. He was a very important monarch. Under his reign Britain

became independent of the Roman Catholic Church, it

became richer and more powerful.

(It is King Henry VIII.)


9. She said: “I know I have the body of a weak and feeble

woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King…”

(It is Queen Elizabeth I.)


10. This monarch ruled for the longest period in the English

history, for 64 years.

 (It is Queen Victoria.)


11. It is the famous Scottish song about Prince Charles Edward

Stewart who was Scotland’s national hero.

(It is “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”.)


12. The symbol of this country is a thistle, its patron saint is St.

Andrew. (It Scotland.)


13. This festival is known throughout the world and takes place

every August and September in Edinburgh.

(It is the military tattoo.)


14. This city has a castle, a cathedral, a university. It is a capital

of Wales.

(It is Cardiff.)


15. When did the Great Fire of London take place?

 (It took place in 1666.)


16. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to build this cathedral.

(It is St. Paul’s Cathedral.)



17. What component of the United Kingdom is the smallest ?

(It is Northern Ireland.)


18. What youth organizations in Britain are the largest?

(The as-sociations of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides are the largest

youth organizations in Britain.)


19. It is the second largest university in Britain, after London. Its

earliest chapter is dated to 1213.

 (It is Oxford.)


20. It is the historical centre of London and one of the biggest

financial centres of the world.

 (It is the City.)


Учитель подводит итоги, награждает победителей.


Категория: внеклассные мероприятия | Добавил: cvacaa (09.25.2016)
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