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«Известные люди»

Своя игра

«Известные люди»

Цели: актуализация изученного материала по теме «Извес-

тные люди»; расширение кругозора, развитие воображения и

внимания; стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению

английского языка.


Оборудование: плакаты с вопросами для игры.


Ход мероприятия

Hello, my dear boys and girls! I am glad to see you today,

my dear friends. Do you like to play games? Today you

will have a chance to take part in our game. We will have

2 stages. Each stage will have 4 topics. Each topic includes

5 questions. Each question has its price. You will try to get

as many points as you can.


Учитель приветствует учащихся и сообщает им о прове-

дении мероприятия «Своя игра». Данная игра проводится по

правилам, аналогичным телевизионному варианту. В игре

принимают участие 10–15 человек. Участники отвечают на

предложенные вопросы и в случае правильного ответа по-

лучают очки, которыми оценивается данный вопрос. Игра

состоит из двух туров и финала. В каждом туре участникам

предлагаются вопросы по 4 темам. Каждая тема содержит по

5 вопросов. В первом туре принимают участие все учащиеся.

Во второй тур проходят 5–7 учеников, набравших наиболь-

шее количество очков. В финале участвует 1 ученик, набрав-

ший наибольшее количество баллов. В финале победителю

предлагается ответить на один вопрос.


Stage 1. Famous People in Russia


100 points. Who is the best Russian goal-keeper in hockey?

200 points. What kind of sport was Kharlamov good at?

300 points. Who was the partner of Alexander Zaitsev in figure


400 points. He is a three-time champion of the Olympic Games,

a nine-time world champion, an eleven-time

champion of Europe in Greco-Roman wrestling.

500 points. His achievements are fantastic. More than 20 times

he renewed his own records. He is the world and 

Olympic champion and world record-breaker in




100 points. Who created the music for the ballets “The

Swan Lake”, “The Sleeping Beauty” and “The


200 points. Who is the composer of the first Russian opera

“Ivan Susanin”?

300 points. Who is the composer of the song “Moscow Suburb


400 points. He had an ability of combining satire and lyricism

in the same line in his songs. His first collection

of poems “Songs of the Russian Bards. Texts”

appeared after he had died.

500 points. Who created the music for the opera “Boris




100 points. Who was the famous Russian monastic painter?

200 points. He published his first poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

in 1820 and became famous.

300 points. She was the Russian ballet dancer. She was born

in 1910 and died in 1998. She danced in the Kirov

Theatre and in the Bolshoi Theatre.

400 points. His famous works are “In the Plain Valley” 1883,

“Pine Forest” 1872, “Oaks” 1887.

500 points. A. Chekhov called him “The best landscape painter

of Russia”.



100 points. He flew into the space on the 12th of April, 1961,

on the board of the spaceship “Vostok”.

200 points. Who was the first man who entered the open


300 points. He was a Soviet aeronautical engineer, who designed

rockets, missiles, and spacecrafts. He was born in

1906 and died in 1966.

400 points. The first Russian woman who flew into the space.

500 points. Who is called “the father of the space



Stage 2. Famous American and British People


200 points. Who published his first book “Principia” setting

out the laws of mechanics in 1687?

400 points. He invented the first telephone in 1876 and became

a citizen of the United States in 1882.

600 points. He was a man who transformed the world. In 1896

he succeeded in building an automobile powered

by a gasoline engine.

800 points. Name the only woman-scientist in the world who

became a Nobel Prize winner twice.

1000 points. These brothers invented, built, and flew on the first

airplane on the 7th of December in 1903 at Kitty

Hawk, North Carolina.



200 points. Who acted at the London theatre called “The

Globe” and wrote during the golden age of the

English literature?

400 points. He lived in Alaska for some years and wrote 152

stories about the North.

600 points. He was a short-story writer and the greatest

American humorist. He was fond of collecting

things which nobody had.

800 points. What famous doctor and writer wrongly believed

that drugs stimulated the brain activity?

1000 points. He was born in London in 1906. He began to write

in 1939 and became famous. He wrote 78 books.



200 points. He was the first President of the United States.

400 points. She ruled for the longest period in the English

history, that is for 64 years.

600 points. In 1863 this American president signed the

Emancipation Proclamation, the document that

made all the slaves free.

800 points. This monarch is known for saying “I know I have

a body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the

heart and stomach of a King.”

1000 points. He was a very important monarch. Under his reign

Britain became independent of the Roman Catholic

Church, it got richer and more powerful.



200 points. He was an American artist and film producer, who

was famous for his animated cartoons.

400 points. What American actor is known as “Terminator”?

600 points. This American actor was born on the 6th of April

in 1889. He made his first film “Making a Living”

in 1914.

800 points. He is regarded as the most successful director

in Hollywood today. He is well-known for his

imaginative movie making and has helped to create

a new generation of filmmakers.

1000  points.  She is an American singer and actress. Her Broadway

performance in the musical “Funny Girl” in 1964

made her a major star.




Задание: His songs started a new period in the American music.

He brought together the musical sounds of the blacks in America

and of the country people. He was known as “The King of rock


Ответ: Elvis Presley.

Our time is over. Thank you for your work. I hope it was

interesting to ask and answer the questions and you could

find a lot of interesting information. Mike is the winner

today. Let’s clap our hands. Will you stand up, please?

Учитель подводит итоги и поздравляет победителя игры.



Stage 1. Famous people in Russia


100 points. The best Russian goal-keeper is Vladislav Tretyak.

200 points. He was good at hockey.

300 points. It was Irina Rodnina.

400 points. It is Alexander Karelin.

500 points. It is Sergei Bubka.



100 points. Peter Tchaikovsky did.

200 points. It’s Michael Glinka.

300 points. It’s Soloviov-Sedoy.

400 points. It’s Vladimir Vysotsky.

500 points. Modest Musorgsky did.



100 points. It was Andrei Rublyov.

200 points. It’s Alexander Pushkin.

300 points. It’s Galina Ulanova.

400 points. It’s Ivan Shishkin.

500 points. It’s Isaak Levitan.



100 points. It’s Yuri Gagarin.

200 points. It was Alexey Leonov.

300 points. It’s Sergei Korolev.

400 points. It’s Valentina Tereshkova.

500 points. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky is called “the father of the

space technology”.


Stage 2. Famous American and British People


200 points. Sir Isaac Newton did.

400 points. It was Alexander Graham Bell.

600 points. It was Henry Ford.

800 points. Marie Curie became a Nobel Prize winner in

physics and chemistry.

1000 points. It is about Orville and Wilbur Wright.



200 points. William Shakespeare did.

400 points. It was Jack London.

600 points. It was Mark Twain.

800 points. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did.

1000 points. It was James Hadly Chase.



200 points. It was George Washington.

400 points. It was Queen Victoria.

600 points. It was Abraham Lincoln.

800 points. It is Queen Elizabeth I.

1000 points. It was King Henry VIII.



200 points. It was Walt Disney.

400 points. It is Arnold Schvarzenegger.

600 points. It is Charlie Chaplin.

800 points. It is Stephen Spielberg.

1000 points. It is Barbara Streisand.


Категория: внеклассные мероприятия | Добавил: cvacaa (09.25.2016)
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