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Морской бой «Магазины и покупки»

       Морской бой

«Магазины и покупки»


Цели: актуализация изученного материала по теме «Мага-

зины и покупки»; тренировка навыков аудирования и диало-

гической речи; закрепление лексических навыков.


Оборудование: 2 кроссворда; игровое поле для игры «Мор-

ской бой»; картинки по теме «Продукты»; 2 карточки для

задания «Дополни словосочетания»; 2 карточки для задания

«Дополни стихотворение».


Ход мероприятия

Good morning, boys! Good morning, girls! I am glad to see


Good morning now.

Wake, body, wake, mind!

Work, play, seek, find,

Eat breakfast, dinner too,

Wash, brush, sing, dance, and do!

Good morning now.


Учитель приветствует детей и рассказывает с ними стихот-

ворение для приветствия. Учащиеся делятся на 2 команды по

5–7 человек в каждой команде.

Today we shall play the game “Sea Battle”. We have two

teams. I hope you know how to play this game. You will try

to guess where the ship of the enemy is. Then you will have

the task. If the pupils of the team do the task better, they will

have the ship. At the end of the game the teams will count

the ships and we shall find out who is the winner.

Учитель привлекает внимание детей к игровому полю, за-

ранее вывешенному на доске, и напоминает детям правила

игры «Морской бой».

Примерное игровое поле:








It is important to know the topic of our game. Answer the

question and name the key word from the crossword.

Учитель предлагает детям определить тему игры «Морской

бой» с помощью кроссворда. Учащиеся решают кроссворд.

Ключевое слово является темой соревнования.

Примерный кроссворд:

1. s

2. h

3. o

4. p

5. p

6. pi

7. n

8. g

Задание для кроссворда:

A place where goods are sold.

A large piece of cotton cloth.

The soft hair of the sheep.




  A piece of money in Great Britain.

A sum of money for which a thing is offered, sold or


Something that is used to put one’s head on.

Something that is used to cover a bed.

A difference between the price of the things bought and the

money you’ve paid (notes or coins).


Ответы: 1. store; 2. sheet; 3. wool; 4. pound; 5. price; 6. pil-

low; 7. blanket; 8. change.

Ключевое слово: shopping.

Our topic is shopping. I want you to listen to my stories and

name the kind of the shop I shall describe.


Учитель предлагает командам заслушать небольшие рас-

сказы о различных видах магазинов и по очереди называть

варианты магазинов.

Примерные рассказы:

People can buy biscuits, cakes and sweets there. (At the sweet


You can buy fish in this shop. (At the fishmonger’s.)

We buy white bread and brown bread in the shop. (At the


People buy milk, cream, cheese and different dairy products

there. (At the dairy’s.)

You can buy pork, beef, chicken and sausages in this shop.

(At the butcher’s.)

We can buy flour, sugar, rice and salt there. (At the


Can you ask and answer the questions? Our topic is “Shop-

ping”. Ask as many questions as you can. Who is ready to



Учитель организует вопросно-ответную работу по теме

«Магазины и покупки» следующим образом: ученики из раз-

ных команд по очереди задают вопросы своим соперникам,

а те на них отвечают.

Примерные вопросы:

Who usually goes to the shop in your family? (My mother



Do you go to the shop every day? (No, I don’t. I don’t go to

the shop every day.)

Did your brother go to the shop yesterday? (Yes, he did. My

brother went to the shop yesterday.)

Are you going to the shop? (No, I am not. I am not going to

the shop.)

Will your mother go to the shop tomorrow? (Yes, she will.

She will go to the shop tomorrow.)

What do you usually buy in the shop? (I usually buy a loaf of

white bread and a bottle of milk in the shop.)

Does your father often buy meat? (No, he doesn’t. My father

doesn’t buy meat.)

How many loaves of bread do you buy every day? (I buy two

loaves of bread every day.)

Does your sister like to go to the baker’s? (Yes, she does. She

likes to go to the baker’s.) Etc.


Now each team will have the task on the cards. You will

have 3 minutes to complete the following word combina-

tions. Are you ready to start?

Учитель предлагает детям картинки и задание на карточ-

ках. Ученики дополняют словосочетания, используя инфор-

мацию на картинках.

Задание на карточке:

Complete the word combinations with the following words:

A … of sugar, a … of fruit, a … of jam, a … of yogurt, a … of

biscuits, a … of lemonade, a … of oil, a … of bread, a … of choco-

late, a … of coffee.


A bag of sugar, a tin of fruit, a jar of jam, a carton of yogurt,

a packet of biscuits, a can of lemonade, a bottle of oil, a loaf of

bread, a bar of chocolate, a jar of coffee.


You can see the cards on the floor. The taskfor our teams is

to find the names of the animals here.

Учитель организует соревнование двух команд. Но полу

раскладываются карточки со слогами слов – названий про-

дуктов. По одному участнику от каждой команды получают

право найти соответствующие карточки и составить слово.

Если ребенок правильно составил слово, то следующий член

его команды получает право выполнить подобное задание.

Побеждает команда, которая составила больше слов.










cof che ridge bage car sand rot wich cab bre but ad fee ese por


Ключевые слова: porridge, coffee, bread, carrot, cabbage, sand-

wich, cheese, butter.


I think you are always friendly and polite. Do you know

the table manners? Now you will complete the poem

“English Table Manners”. I want you to read the poem in

5 minutes.

Команды получают задание на карточках: стихотворение

“English Table Manners” с пропущенными словами. Время на

выполнение задания – 5 минут.

Don’t put your elbows on the …;

Don’t stretch your feet out … the table.

Don’t play with knives and forks, they aren’t toys;

Try to make little … .

Don’t shovel food into your …;

Don’t sip soup from a bowl.

Don’t use a spoon for what

Can be eaten with a … .

Cut the meat into small pieces,

Which can be chewed very easy.

Don’t blow on the … .

Don’t talk with your mouth full.

Don’t forget to thank the hostess and say “…”

To the people sitting nearby.

Правильный вариант стихотворения:

Don’t put your elbows on the table;

Don’t stretch your feet out under the table.

Don’t play with knives and forks, they aren’t toys;

Try to make little noise.

Don’t shovel food into your mouth;

Don’t sip soup from a bowl.

Don’t use a spoon for what

Can be eaten with a fork.

Cut the meat into small pieces,

Which can be chewed very easy.

Don’t blow on the food.

Don’t talk with your mouth full.

Don’t forget to thank the hostess and say good-bye

To the people sitting nearby.


Thank you for your work. Now it’s time to finish our work.

It is interesting to know who is the winner today. I want you

to count your ships. Let’s clap our hands. Will you stand up,

please? Let’s recite our poem.

Ученики подсчитывают количество кораблей и поздравля-

ют победителей. 


Категория: внеклассные мероприятия | Добавил: cvacaa (09.25.2016)
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