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Морской бой"Америка"

Цели: обобщение изученного материала по теме «Амери-

ка»; тренировка навыков монологической и диалогической

речи; совершенствование лексических навыков.


Оборудование: задание на карточках «Составь предложе-

ние»; игровое поле для игры «Морской бой»; картинки и фо-

тографии с изображением достопримечательностей Америки;

2 набора карточек для игры «Составь слова»; 2 набора карто-

чек для игры «Цепочка слов».


Ход мероприятия

Good morning, boys! Good morning, girls! I am glad to see



Учитель приветствует детей и предлагает им разделиться

на 2 команды по 5–7 человек в каждой команде.

Today we shall play the game “Sea Battle”. We have two

teams. I hope you know how to play this game. You will try

to guess where the ship of the enemy is. Then you will have

the task. If the pupils of one team do the task better, than

another, they will have the ship. At the end of the game the

teams will count the ships and we shall find out who is the



Учитель привлекает внимание детей к игровому полю, за-

ранее вывешенному на доске, и напоминает детям правила

игры «Морской бой». Команды по очереди открывают клетки

игрового поля, на котором расположено 6 кораблей. Каждый

корабль занимает 1 клетку игрового поля. Если команда на-

звала номер клетки, на которой расположен корабль, обе ко-

манды выполняют задание. Команда, выполнившая задание

лучше и успешнее, получает корабль. Выигрывает команда,

которая «захватила» больше кораблей.


Примерное игровое поле:


I want you to answer my questions on the topic “America”.

Команды по очереди отвечают на вопросы учителя по

теме «Америка».


Примерные вопросы:

1. What is the capital of the USA? (The capital of the USA is

Washington, D. C.)


2. How do people call the American flag? (It is often called the

Stars and Stripes.)


3. When did Christopher Columbus discover America? (He

discovered America in 1492.)


4. What do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July? (They

celebrate Independence Day.)


5. How many starts are there on the American flag? Why?

(There are 50 stars on the flag because there are 50 states in



6. How many stripes are there on the flag? Why? (There are 13

stripes on the flag because there were 13 colonies in America

in 1733.)


7. When did the story of “Wild West” begin? (The story of

“Wild West began in the 18th century.)


8. What tradition did the first colonists start? (They started the

tradition of Thanksgiving Day.)


9. What are the colours of the American flag? (The colours of

the American flag are red, white and blue.)


10. How many people live in the USA? (More than 250 millions

people live in the USA.)

You will have 3 minutes to prepare 5 wrong statements about

the political system of the USA. Then you will read the

statements one by one and another team will correct them.


В течение 3 минут команды составляют неправильные

утверждения по теме «Политическая система США». Затем

команды по очереди зачитывают свои утверждения, а сопер-

ники должны эти утверждения исправить.


Примерные утверждения:

1. The Congress is divided into 3 parts. (The Congress is divided

into two parts.)

2. Every state sends 4 men to the Senate. (Every state sends two

persons to the Senate.)

3. The President makes the laws. (The President signs bills and

then they become laws.)

4. There are 135 congressmen in the House of Representatives.

(There are 435 congressmen in the House of Representatives.)

5. The Supreme Court is made up of eight judges. (The Supreme

Court is made up of nine judges.)

6. There are 24 amendments to the Constitution of the United

States. (There are 26 amendments to the Constitution of the

United States.)

7. The President’s term is five years and one person can be

the President for one or two terms, but not longer. (The

8. President’s term is five years and one person can be the

President for one or two terms, but not longer.)

9. The first eleven amendments to the Constitution are called

the Bill of Freedoms. (The first ten amendments to the

Constitution are called the Bill of Rights.)

10. The Constitution was written in New York. (The Constitution

was written in Philadelphia.)

11. The Government of the United States has five branches.

(The Government of the United States has three branches.)


Will you look at the blackboard? You will see the pictures of

some interesting places in America. What places would you

like to visit and why? You must tell us about these places in

2 minutes.


Учитель вывешивает на доске картинки и достопримеча-

тельности столицы Великобритании: the Grand Canyon, the

White House, the Statue of Liberty, the Capitol. Команды пред-

ставляют по 2–3 рассказа.


1. It is the White House. The part where the President of the

United States lives and works is not open to the public.

The White House is one of the most beautiful places in the

capital of the USA. It consists of 132 rooms. You can visit

the library, the Red Room, the Blue Room and the Green

Room which have some fantastic old furniture.


2. The Grand Canyon is one of the places which attract the

tourists visiting America. The canyon is one mile deep

and 277 miles long. There are different kinds of plants and

animals on the opposite sides of the canyon. The south side

is a dry and desert country. The north side has tall forests.

The canyon looks different at different times of the day and

in different seasons and weather.


3. You can see the Statue of Liberty. It was built in New York

Harbor in 1886. It was a gift to America from the people

of France. About 12 million immigrants passed through

New York when they came to America. The first thing they

saw after their long trip was the Statue of Liberty, which is

America’s symbol of freedom.


4. The Сapitol is the tallest building in Washington, D. C., and

the most famous building in the United States, because it is

the place where the laws are made. The Capitol is surrounded

by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers. You can

visit the Capitol from 9 a. m. to 3:45 p.m. In the Capitol you

can learn a lot about the first settlements in New England.


Now each team will have the task on the cards. You will

have 4 minutes to make up the questions. Are you ready to



Задание на карточке:

Put the words in a logical order:

Have, what , you, seen, in the park?

Who, last, was, in Los Angeles, year?

They, when, celebrate, will, Halloween?

Going, to Texas, why, he, is?

Whom, people, near, House, can, the, White, meet?



1. What have you seen in the park?

2. Who was in Los Angeles last year?

3. When will they celebrate Halloween?

4. Why is he going to Texas?

5. Whom can people meet near the White House?


I can see you like to play games. The next task for you is to

match the English words with their Russian equivalents.


Каждая команда получает набор карточек для игры. На

каждой карточке написаны два слова: одно слово – на рус-

ском языке, другое слово – на английском языке. Задание

для учащихся: расположить карточки таким образом, чтобы

получилась цепочка слов. После выполнения задания коман-

ды по очереди зачитывают цепочки слов.


Слова на карточках:

Country / вооруженные силы, armed forces / провозглашать,

declare / событие,  event / независимость,  independence / не-

боскребы,  skyscrapers / волнующий,  exciting / голосовать,  to

vote / привлекательность, attraction / водный путь, waterway /

демократия, democracy / ковбой, cowboy / страна country.


It’s time to play the game. You will make up the English

words using the parts of the words.


Учитель привлекает внимание детей к карточкам на столе.

На карточках записаны части английских слов по теме «Аме-

рика». Члены команд выставляют карточки на наборное по-

лотно и составляют слова. Затем учитель может предложить

ученикам составить предложения с полученными словами.


Примерные карточки:

ti   squ   mus

buil   gov   mo

eum   pal   sta

tou   ern   ment

nu   ding   ace

ment   rist   ture

zen   te   ci


Ключевые слова: citizen, square, museum, government, monu-

ment, building, palace, tourist, state.

Thank you for your work. Now it’s time to finish our work.

It is interesting to know who is the winner today. I want you

to count your ships. Let’s clap our hands. Will you stand up,

please? Let’s recite our poem.


Ученики подсчитывают количество кораблей и поздравля-

ют победителей. Учитель благодарит детей за работу и пред-

лагает рассказать стихотворение всем вместе.


Up, down, up, down,

Which is the way

to New York town?

Where? Where?

Up in the air,

Close your eyes –

And you are there!


Категория: внеклассные мероприятия | Добавил: cvacaa (09.25.2016)
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