Главная » Статьи » внеклассные мероприятия

«Природа. Спорт. Здоровый образ жизни»

Своя игра

«Природа. Спорт.

Здоровый образ жизни»


Цели: актуализация изученного материала по темам: «При-

рода», «Спорт», «Здоровый образ жизни»; развитие логичес-

кого мышления и произвольного внимания; поддержание

интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.


Оборудование: плакаты с вопросами для игры.


Ход мероприятия


Hello, my dear boys and girls! I am glad to see you today.

Do you like to play games? Today you will have a chance

to take park in our game. We shall have 2 stages. Each stage

will have 5 topics. Each topic includes 5 questions. Each

question has its price. You will try to get as many points as

you can.

Учитель приветствует учащихся и сообщает им о прове-

дении мероприятия «Своя игра». Данная игра проводится по

правилам, аналогичным телевизионному варианту. В игре

принимают участие 10–15 человек. Участники отвечают на

предложенные вопросы и в случае правильного ответа по-

лучают очки, которыми оценивается данный вопрос. Игра

состоит из двух туров и финала. В каждом туре участникам

предлагаются вопросы по 5 темам. Каждая тема содержит по

5 вопросов. В первом туре принимают участие все учащиеся.


  Во второй тур проходят 5–7 учеников, набравших наиболь-

шее количество очков. В финале участвует 1 ученик, набрав-

ший наибольшее количество баллов. В финале победителю

предлагается ответить на один вопрос.


Stage 1. Healthy Way of Life

100 points. What dairy products do you know?

200 points. What food is good for people’s health?

300 points. What are the things that help us to keep fit?

400 points. Which parts of human body can suffer form

television and computer?

500 points. What antibiotic was discovered by Alexander

Fleming in 1928?



100 points. What forms of pollution do you know?

200 points. What environmental problems can you name?

300 points. What does the word “environment” mean?

400 points. Where does the air pollution in the cities come

from mostly?

500 points. Why are the nuclear power stations dangerous?


Animal Life

100 points. What animals are found only in Australia?

200 points. Why do people hunt Indian tigers?

300 points. Where can we find the names of some animals,

birds and fish which are disappearing nowadays?

400 points. What animals were brought to Australia and became

wild there?

500 points. Which of the following animals is endangered: a

kangaroo, a bear, a racoon, an orangutan, or a




100 points. Name the profession of the people who collect the

information about weather.

200 points. Where do weathermen usually collect information

about weather?

300 points. What is the usual weather if a barometer shows the

high pressure in summer?

400 points. What is the usual weather if a barometer shows the

low pressure?

500 points. People of what professions are interested in the

weather forecast?



100 points. What does the word “climate” mean?

200 points. What and whom does a climate have a very

important influence on?

300 points. Why is the atmosphere becoming warmer?

400 points. Where does the carbon dioxide come from?

500 points. How does the greenhouse effect work?

Stage 2. Sports in Russia

200 points. What football team in Russia got the champion title

of the country ten times?

400 points. When were the Olympic Games held in Russia?

600 points. He is a three-time champion of the Olympic

Games, a nine-time world champion, an eleven-

time champion of Europe in Greco-Roman wres-


800 points. What was the score of the football match between

the national teams of Russia and France which was

held in France in 1999?

1000 points. His achievements are fantastic. More than 20 times

he renewed his own records. He is the world and

the Olympic champion and the world record-

breaker in pole-vault.


Sports in Great Britain

200 points. Why are swimming, boating and sailing popular in


400 points. This kind of sport began to develop in Scotland and

now it is widely spread all over Britain.

600 points. What kind of British sports existed even in the

Saxon times?

800 points. What game did the first settlers play on the board

of the “Mayflower” in 1620?

1000 points. Why are the British not very much interested in

skiing and skating?


The Olympic Games

200 points. Where did the Olympic Games begin?

400 points. How often are the Olympic Games held?

600 points. What committee organizes the Olympic Games?

800 points. In what city were the first modern Olympic Games


1000 points. Where is the International Olympic Committee



Sports in America

200 points. What is the American equivalent for the word


400 points. What is the most popular sport in the USA?

600 points. It is a game between two teams and is played on a

field with a bat and a small white ball. Each team

consists of nine players.

800 points. This game is played on a court with a large orange

ball. There are five players in each team. The

players can throw and pass the ball to each other.

The team with the most quantity of points wins.

1000 points. This game is very similar to baseball, but it is played

with a larger ball. It is a popular sport among

American women and co-ed (combined men and

women) teams.


Sport Games

200 points. Name the game played between two teams of

eleven players who kick a ball around a field trying

to score a goal.

400 points. People played this game in England as early as


600 points. This game is played by two teams of 6 players each

on an ice field.

800 points. It is a game of two players. Each of them starts

with sixteen different playing pieces to move on a

board. The aim is to move your pieces so that your

opponent’s king will be taken.

1000 points. This game was first played in England in 1872 and

the first championship at Wimbledon was in 1877.



Вопрос: What famous Italian artist invented some things in the

field of medicine?

Ответ: It was Leonardo da Vinci.

Our time is over. Thank you for your work. I hope it was

interesting to ask and answer the questions and you could

find a lot of interesting information. Kate is the winner today.

Let’s clap our hands. Will you stand up, please?


Учитель подводит итоги урока и поздравляет победителя

игры. Ученики рассказывают следующее стихотворение.

Holidays are over,

No more fun,

Holidays are over,

School has begun!

The bell has gone. Good-bye, boys and girls!



Stage 1. Healthy Way of Life

100 points. They are milk, butter, cheese, cream, sour cream,

cottage cheese.

200 points. Fruit, vegetables, meat, cereals, fish, eggs, juices

are good for health.

300 points. They are: healthy food, clean water and air, physical

activity, regular eating, quiet life.

400 points. Eyes, brain and the whole body can suffer from

television and computer.

500 points. It was Penicillin.



100 points. Water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution.

200 points. Pollution in its many forms; noise from cars, buses

and planes; destruction of wildlife; shortage of

natural resources; the growth of population.

300 points. It means just everything surrounding us.

400 points. The air pollution comes from factories, plants,

power stations, cars and buses.

500 points. The nuclear power stations are dangerous because

they can function wrong and cause the nuclear



Animal Life

100 points. Kangaroos and emus are found only in Australia.

200 points. People hunt the Indian tigers for fun, for their

beautiful skin. Some people kill tigers to save their

domestic animals and their lives.

300 points. We can find the names of some animals, birds and

fishes which are disappearing nowadays in the Red


400 points. Buffaloes and rabbits were brought to Australia and

became wild there.

500 points. Orangutan is endengered among these animals.



100 points. They are weathermen.

200 points. They collect information from ships, planes weather

stations, and space stations.

300 points. If a barometer shows the high pressure in summer

it means misty mornings and hot sunny days in


400 points. The usual weather is rainy and windy if a barometer

shows the low pressure.

500 points. People of different professions are interested in the

weather forecast: farmers, pilots, sailors, builders,

drivers, etc.



100 points. Climate is the weather in a certain place for a long

period of time.

200 points. Climate has a very important influence on plants,

animals and humans.

300 points. People produce a lot of carbon dioxide. This gas

lets the heat get in, but it doesn’t let much heat

get out.

400 points. People and animals breathe out carbon dioxide.

We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things.

People cut down the trees which produce oxygen.

500 points. The sunlight gives us some heat. Some of the heat

warms the atmosphere, and some of the heat goes

back into the space. Nowadays the heat can’t go

back into the space and the temperatures in many

places have become higher.


Stage 2. Sports in Russia

200 points. It is “Spartak”.

400 points. The Olympic Games were held in Moscow in


600 points. He is Alexander Karelin.

800 points. The score was 3 to 2 in favour of Russia.

1000 points. He is Sergei Bubka.


Sports in Great Britain

200 points. Swimming, boating and sailing are popular in

Britain because Great Britain is an island state.

There are many rivers and lakes in the country.

The climate is mild.

400 points. It was golf.

600 points. It was boxing.

800 points. The first settlers played darts on the board of the

“Mayflower” in 1620.

1000 points. The climate is mild in Great Britain. There is not

much snow on the ground in winter. Snow melts



The Olympic Games

200 points. The Olympic Games began in ancient Greece.

400 points. The Olympic Games are held every fourth year.

600 points. The International Olympic Committee organizes

the Olympic Games.

800 points. The first modern Olympic Games were held in


1000 points. The International Olympic Committee is situated

in Lausanne, Switzerland.


Sports in America

200 points. The American equivalent for the word “athletic” is


400 points. The most popular sport in the USA is the American


600 points. It’s baseball.

800 points. It’s basketball.

1000 points. It’s softball.

Sports Games

200 points. It’s football.

400 points. It’s cricket.

600 points. It’s ice hockey.

800 points. It’s chess.

1000 points. It’s tennis or lawn tennis.


Категория: внеклассные мероприятия | Добавил: cvacaa (09.25.2016)
Просмотров: 236 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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