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Сценарий сказки “Funnyballs” (по сценарию мультфильма «Смешарики»)

Сценарий сказки “Funnyballs”

(по сценарию мультфильма «Смешарики»)


Characters: a storyteller, a rabbit, a hedgehog, a ram, a pig.


Storyteller. One day the rabbit saw that the hedgehog was

burying something.

Rabbit. Hello, Hedgehog! What are you doing?

Hedgehog. I can’t tell you. It’s a secret.

Rabbit. Tell me your secret, please. I am sure it is very

interesting. I also want to bury something.

Hedgehog. OK, I will tell you and we will do it together but

nobody must know about it.

Rabbit. Of course, I will keep silence.

Hedgehog. Well, at first you must dig a hole, then put a

piece of glass on the soil and fill up the hole.

Rabbit. Is that all? And why do you put a piece of glass in

the hole?

Hedgehog. You may put there a button, a nut or other

interesting things.

Rabbit. OK, but what is it for?

Hedgehog. It is a pleasant feeling of secret. Nobody

must know, remember it. Now we are the members of a secret



Storyteller. But suddenly Rabbit and Hedgehog heard a

strange noise in the bush which was growing near them.

Hedgehog. What is that?


Storyteller. They looked into the bush and saw Ram.

Rabbit. He has heard everything! Now we must accept him

into our secret brotherhood.

Hedgehog. Well, let’s accept him if he promises that he

won’t tell anybody about our secret.


Storyteller. So they accepted Ram in their secret

brotherhood and they started to bury small secrets together.

R a m . Is it so interesting to do it?

Hedgehog. Yes, of course. If you join us you will feel it


R a m . They don’t tell me about the aim of doing it. It means

they don’t trust me.


Storyteller. So Ram decided to work hard. He wanted

Hedgehog and Rabbit to trust him. One evening he went to do it

alone. The weather was rainy. Suddenly Pig noticed him.

P i g . Hello, Ram! What are you doing here?

R a m . Hello, Pig! I can’t tell you. It is a secret.

P i g . Oh, then I won’t show you anything.


Storyteller. Pig went away. The next day Ram felt ill. He

was lying on the bed and Pig was giving him some medicine when

Hedgehog and Rabbit visited him.

Rabbit. Hello, Ram! Hello, Pig! What’s the matter? When

did you fall ill?

R a m . I was burying secrets the whole evening yesterday. I

have had 200 secrets. But I still don’t understand why you did it.

Rabbit. Don’t you understand? But it is simply the pleasant

feeling of secret.

R a m . Is it so? But now I don’t remember where my 200 secrets


That’s all for today. Thank you for your fairy-tales. You were

real actors. I think you enjoyed your English today. What

fairy-tale do you like? Let’s clap our hands to thank our

actors. Will you stand up and recite the poem?

Together, together,

Together every dаy.

Together, together

We work and play.

Good-bye, my children! 

Категория: внеклассные мероприятия | Добавил: cvacaa (09.25.2016)
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