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Сценарий сказки “The Story About the Lion”

Сценарий сказки

“The Story About the Lion”


Characters: Little Lion, his mother, Monkey, Snake, Owl, a


Little Lion. Mother, tell me, please, who I am.

Mother. You are the best animal because you are clever,

strong, beautiful and fast.

Little Lion. Oh, is that really so? I will go for a walk and

tell everybody that I am the best of all animals.


Storyteller. Little Lion went for a walk and saw a monkey

who had some small nuts in her hand.

Monkey. Who are you? Can you tell me who you are?

Little Lion. Of course, I will tell you who I am. I am the

best of all animals because I am strong, clever, beautiful and fast.

Monkey. Really? Now we’ll see how fast you are. Run



Storyteller. And the monkey threw some nuts in the lion.

He didn’t expect that she would do it, he didn’t run away and the

nuts hurt him.

Little Lion. Oh, you have hurt me!

Monkey. I thought that you were fast and that you would

run away.


Storyteller. Little lion went away and an hour later he saw

a snake.

Snake. Can you tell me who are you?

Little Lion. Of course, I can. I am the best of all animals

because I am beautiful, strong, clever and fast.

Snake. Is that really so? Now we shall see how strong you



Storyteller. And then Snake bit Little Lion. He didn’t

expect her to do it and he fell down.

Little Lion. Oh! Why did you bite me? My leg is hurt!

Snake. But you said that you were strong and I thought that

you would fight with me.


Storyteller. Little Lion went away and saw a wise Owl who

was sitting in the tree.

O w l . Who are you, dear child?

Little  Lion. I am the best of all animals. I am strong,

beautiful, fast and clever. But Monkey and Snake hurt me when

I said it.

O w l . They did it because they didn’t like your words. Never

say that you are the best animal, because there are many animals

who are stronger, faster, cleverer and more beautiful than you.

Little Lion. Thank you, dear Mr Owl. I haven’t thought

that my words were wrong. I will never say them again.


Storyteller. Since that time Little Lion has never said that

he was the best. He did everything to help weak animals and when

he was an old respectable lion everybody agreed that he was the

fastest, the strongest, the cleverest, the most beautiful and the best

animal in the forest.


Категория: внеклассные мероприятия | Добавил: cvacaa (09.25.2016)
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