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Сценарий сказки “Winnie-the-Pooh”

Сценарий сказки



Characters: a storyteller, Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Donkey

Eeyore, Owl.


Storyteller. I am sure you know the story about Winnie-

the-Pooh and his friends. Now you will see a play about them.

One day Donkey Eeyore invited Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet on

his birthday.

Winnie-the-Pooh. Hello, Piglet! Look what a good

present I have!

Piglet. Hello, Winnie! What is it?

Winnie-the-Pooh. It is a pot of honey. Donkey Eeyore

will be very happy. And what have you prepared for him?

Piglet. I have prepared this beautiful balloon. You see, it

wants to fly to the sky. Don’t let it do this. My present is so

beautiful! I hope Donkey Eeyore will like it.


Storyteller. So they started walking, but five minutes later

Winnie-the-Pooh felt that he was hungry.

Winnie-the-Pooh. Hey, Piglet! May I eat some honey

from the pot?

Piglet. I don’t know, Winnie.

Winnie-the-Pooh. I think half a pot of honey will be

enough for Donkey Eeyore. (съедает половину горшка меда).


Storyteller. Winnie-the-Pooh ate the half of honey and

they went to Donkey. Winnie felt hungry again. He liked honey

and he began to eat honey again. He ate all the honey up.

Winnie-the-Pooh. It is not necessary to give Donkey

Eeyore honey. He doesn’t like honey very much as I do (съедает

весь мед). He will be happy when I give him just a pot.

Piglet. An empty pot?

Winnie-the-Pooh. Although it is empty now it is very

useful. You can put everything you want into this pot. For example,

your balloon. Oh, no, your balloon is too big (пытается поло-

жить шарик в горшок). It can’t go into my pot.


Storyteller.  They went further but suddenly a piglet

stumbled on a hummock and fell down. Bang! What loud noise

you could hear!

Piglet. Winnie! Winnie! My balloon! You see, it is not a

beautiful balloon now, it is just a piece of red rubber (плачет).

Winnie-the-Pooh. Don’t worry, my friend. It is much

better than before. You can see now your balloon can go into my

pot and go out of my pot. Into and out, into and out. Can you see?

(Опускает и достает шарик из горшка.)


Storyteller. the piglet stopped crying and they went to

Donkey Eeyore. Suddenly they saw a tail with a bow. It was very

strange that the tail was hanging on the bush. But Winnie and

Piglet didn’t understand that it was a tail.

Winnie-the-Pooh. Piglet! Piglet! What is it?

Piglet. I don’t know, Winnie. I have seen it somewhere but

I don’t remember where I have seen it.  

Winnie-the-Pooh. Let’s take it, Piglet.

Piglet. OK, maybe it will be useful for somebody.


Storyteller. They took the tail and soon they saw the Owl

who was also going to Donkey Eeyore.

Winnie-the-Pooh. Hello, Owl! Are you going to Donkey’s


O w l . Hello, Winnie! Hello, Piglet! I want to go to my friend

but I don’t know what to give Donkey Eeyore as a present. What

is it? I have seen this tail somewhere.

Winnie-the-Pooh.  Tail? Have you said “tail”? We

thought it was just a rope with a bow.

Piglet. We didn’t thought it was a tail.

O w l . I don’t know whose tail it is but I think that Donkey will

be happy when I give it to him. It can be rather useful. Can you

give the tail to me, Donkey? I haven’t got a present, and you have

as I see it. (берет хвост)

Winnie. Of course, you may take this tail as a present to

Donkey Eeyore.


Storyteller. They went further and soon came up to

Donkey Eeyore. Their friend was standing near the house. He

looked very sad.

Winnie-the-Pooh.  Hello, Donkey Eeyore! Happy

birthday to you! Why are you so sad? What’s the matter?

Donkey. Hello, Winnie! Hello, Piglet! Hello, Owl! I am very

happy to see you, but I have lost my tail, that’s why I am so sad.

O w l . May I give you a present? Please, look at this. Is it your


Donkey. Yes, it is. Thank you very much, dear friends.

Where have you found it?

Piglet. We saw it hanging on a bush. At first we didn’t

understand that it was a tail.

Winnie-the-Pooh. Then Owl told us that it was a tail

and we decided to give it to you. But we have got other presents

for you. (Дарит горшок.) Do you like it?

Piglet. Sorry, Eeyore, I wanted to give you a beautiful

balloon, but you see it is only a piece of red rubber. It was not a

nice balloon now. (Дарит шарик.)

Donkey. Thank you very much, dear Winnie and Piglet! I

like your presents very much. I love you, my dear friends!

Winnie-the-Pooh. Happy birthday!

Piglet. Happy birthday!

O w l . Happy birthday to you!


Категория: внеклассные мероприятия | Добавил: cvacaa (09.25.2016)
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