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Сценарий сказки “Wise Lion, Stubborn Goat and Silly Ram”

Сценарий сказки

“Wise Lion, Stubborn Goat and Silly Ram”


Characters: a storyteller, a lion, a goat, a ram, a monkey, a

little monkey Tommy, Tommy’s mother, a fox.

Storyteller. Once upon a time there lived Wise Lion – the

King of all animals, stubborn Goat, silly Ram and hard-working


Monkey. Goat, Ram, please, come here and help me to

clean the road around the King’s palace.

Goat. I don’t want to clean the road. I want to jump.

R a m . I don’t want to clean the road. I want to play with a ball.

Monkey. OK, I will do it myself. Tommy, my dear daughter,

come here, please, and help me.

Tommy. Of course, I will help you. (Подметают дорогу.)

Monkey. Oh, you see, it is much cleaner now. But now we

must clean the King’s garden. Thereare a lot of grass there and

some flowers can’t grow.

Tommy. I agree with you. But there is too much grass in

the garden. We must ask somebody to help us. Ram, Goat, come

here, please. Can you help us to clean the garden?

Goat. Of course, not. I don’t want to clean the garden. I want

to run.

R a m . And I don’t know how to clean the garden. I prefer to

play football.

Monkey. OK, we will clean it without your help. (Работа-

ют в саду.)


Storyteller. While Tommy and her mother were working

in the garden, the King’s servant Fox came. He announced that

everybody who lived in that kingdom must listen to him.

Fox. Attention! Attention! Please, listen to me! Everybody

must listen what I am going to say.

Goat. I suppose he wants us to do something. I don’t want

to work.

R a m . Sure. I don’t want to work. Let’s go away.

Коза и баран собираются уйти.

Fox. Goat and Ram, our King has invited you to his palace.

Goat. I don’t want to go there. I don’t like to work.

R a m . I agree with Goat. I dislike working.

К животным подходит лев.

Lion. I have just heard that stubborn Goat doesn’t want to

work as my assistant and silly Ram dislike working. So Tommy’s

mother will be my assistant if she wants. She is hard-working and

clever. I really want her to work in my palace.

Monkey. Thank you very much, my dear King!


Storyteller. Tommy and her mother lived happily all their

life at the King’s palace.

Категория: внеклассные мероприятия | Добавил: cvacaa (09.25.2016)
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